RSS Reader Recommends

April 19, 2024 · 955 words · 2 min · 前端 RSS

In the previous article, I recommended the RSS feeds I have subscribed to, so this time I will supplement with the reader I use to view the content from these information sources.

My Feedly (Tech RSS)

March 17, 2024 · 602 words · 2 min · 前端 RSS

Some of the technical RSS feeds I subscribe to.

I have a weekly front-end technology newsletter called WebCIA Weekly (Web Intelligence Agency). It shares a curation of high-quality information from RSS sources every week, including technical articles, product design, thought pieces, open-source projects, resources and tools, and key news, all the things worth paying attention to. It provides insights needed to stay ahead for everyone and also helps me archive information resources.

Initially, it was for internal weekly technical consultation sharing within the front-end team, but later on, there were too many restrictions on Yuque’s public sharing, so I built a weekly newsletter website myself. Therefore, I subscribe to many information sources to select content for my newsletter. Here are the tools I use and the sources I subscribe to.